Learn our approach to caring for your loved one living with Alzheimer’s and/or Dementia.

The Basics of BBET: What Is BBET and Who Can It Benefit?

At Windrose at Weymouth, we’re proud to be an assisted living community that’s committed to serving seniors with memory loss. We stay up to date on the best practices and create programming and therapies designed to reduce anxiety and engage our residents. To achieve this, one thing we do is provide a Behavior-Based Ergonomics Therapies (BBET) program.

What Is BBET?

BBET is a customized system of therapy designed to reduce and prevent patients with memory loss from exhibiting unwanted behaviors. People with dementia, Alzheimer’s, or general memory loss have issues developing the left side of their brain, the side that handles tasks like reasoning and language. Meanwhile, the right side of the brain, which processes things like emotions and creativity, typically is less affected. BBET uses therapies to stimulate the right side of the brain in patients with memory loss to bring them comfort and peace.

What Are the Benefits of BBET?

At a minimum, the seniors in our community enjoy the stimulating activities of BBET. Even better, BBET can also reduce anxiety and disruptive behavior that can impact residents’ moods, sleep, and happiness.

Since our BBET program is customized to each resident to improve their quality of life, therapy can be tweaked to ensure that each resident enjoys favorable results.

What Therapies Are Available?

BBET is completely non-pharmacological and includes the choice of four therapies. Depending on the resident’s needs, they might take part in music therapy, video therapy, stimulating therapy, or memory prop therapy. Residents may listen to music to awaken memories, watch videos to relax, play games or complete puzzles for cognitive stimulation, or view memory props for comfort.

Unlike other department-led activities, BBET therapies are available at any time and can be led by any staff member, since all are trained on BBET. We can even train families in BBET and help with this therapy during hospital or rehab stays; simply ask us about our BBET-TO-GO program!

Who Is a Good Candidate?

Since BBET can be customized to suit any resident’s needs and interests, each of our residents with memory loss is a good candidate for this program.

BBET and Memory Care with Windrose at Weymouth

If you would like to learn more about how you or your family member could benefit from our BBET program and the other memory care services at Windrose at Weymouth, please contact us. We would love to meet you and tell you more about our award-winning programming that’s provided in a safe, intimate setting here in our facility.